Monday, May 9, 2011

River Walk #7

Date: Thursday, May 5
Weather: Pretty blustery, cloudy, but warmer
Wearing: Tennis shoes, grey fleece sweatshirt
Music: Good ol' Britney

There was really nothing to report on this walk at all. I had to wear my sweatshirt the whole time because the darn wind. It would have been very pleasant without the sudden gusts of wind.

I spent the majority of the time walking behind a younger woman who was a bit heavier. (I'm guessing she was... thirty? Not much older than that.) She was pushing a stroller and wearing a baby blue teeshirt, black yoga/workout pants, and tennis shoes She had extraordinarily large, silver headphones that, from behind, looked like two small bowls or teacups attached to the sides of her head.

She actually set a fairly good pace for me. Every once in a while she would jog for a bit (mainly when the path cleared of all the bikers and walkers, since the stroller she was pushing was large), but kept it at a brisk walk for the majority of the walk. It was almost like I had a walking "buddy," only she didn't know about it. I did my best to keep the same distance between us.

I found myself wondering how much of a better workout she was getting pushing that stroller than if she was doing the exact same walk/run pace(s) without it. Huh.

No pictures this walk.

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